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Laminitis - Metabolic Disease
The recorded videos are available to On Course Equine Nutrition Exclusive Access and Farm Plan Members only. The articles are FREE!
Free Articles

On Course Equine Nutrition
6 min read
Grazing Muzzles for Weight Loss: Part 3 of Wilma's Weight Loss Journey
Here's how the typical conversation about grazing muzzles go... Me: "A grazing muzzle would be a great tool in your nutrition toolbox for...

On Course Equine Nutrition
3 min read
Measuring Calories & Carbs: Wilma's Weight Loss Journey Part 2
What do you do when the hay you purchased isn't right for your fat horse?

On Course Equine Nutrition
10 min read
Equine "Metabolic Support" Supplements: A Comparison
A comparison of equine metabolic supplements available on the internet to buy for your insulin resistant horse.

On Course Equine Nutrition
3 min read
Laminitis VS Ulcers: Which is worse?
Which is worse; laminitis or gastric ulcers in horses?

On Course Equine Nutrition
1 min read
Article Worth Reading: "Beyond Low Carb/Low Starch- Choosing Hay for Weight Management"
One of my favorite slow feed devices to recommend is the Hay Pillow by The Hay Pillow, Inc. I finally bought two myself and clipped them...

On Course Equine Nutrition
9 min read
Beautiful But Misunderstood: The story of byproducts and their value
I've been sitting on this topic for a while, but with the recent increase in feed prices, I thought now would be an appropriate time to...
Lecture Recordings
An Exclusive or Lifetime Access, Farm or Veterinary Plan Membership is required to access video recordings. If you are a member, than go to the MEMBER RESOURCES tab to find these videos.
- Membership OfferThe Problem with Fat Horses /ÂZoom Webinar
- Zoom WebinarAnatomy, physiology, and types of laminitis from Hannah Galantino-Homer, VMD-PhD and her Galantino-Homer Laminitis Laboratory! How are the causes of laminitis different and how are they the same? How do we study it!?! All proceeds will go to laminitis research at New Bolton Center @ PennVet!
- Online EventCarbs? Sugar? Starch? NSC, WSC, ESC? The jargon of carbohydrates is massively confusing. Understand the difference between these numbers in simple, meaningful terms and know what to look for when shopping for low carb horse hay. *Signing up for one lecture, gets you all three in the LCHH Series!
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